The Onimiki project
An enhanced project to meet some issues
The Onimiki Renewable Energy project involves the development of two hydroelectric power stations using the hydraulic forces of the Kipawa reservoir.
The Onimiki project is valued at $475 million
(estimate based on comparable projects)..
Onimiki North power plant
The 60 MW Onimiki North power plant would be located on the banks of the Témiscamingue Lake (about 30 kilometers north of Témiscaming and 15 kilometers southwest of Laniel).
Onimiki South power station
The 7 MW Onimiki South power plant would be located in the town of Témiscaming on the banks of Témiscamingue Lake.
A number of issues and concerns were raised during the fall 2022 consultations.
Existing management agreements that determine, among other things, reservoir water levels or the maintenance of water volumes to promote the spawning of certain fish species would remain in effect and under the responsibility of government departments and organizations.
The power plant would comprise three generating units capable of producing up to 60 MW.
Short sections of canals would be built to connect the Kipawa reservoir to Thiriot lake and Nadeau lake, as well as a small closure dam downstream of Nadeau lake.
Also, 3,3 kilometers of headworks would be built to supply the powerhouse.
Things to remember
- Management of the Kipawa reservoir in accordance with historical conditions
- No significant flooding along Thiriot and Nadeau lakes
- Ecological and aesthetic flow maintained in the Kipawa River (to be determined during environmental study)
- Possible improvement in the predictability of whitewater activities in the Kipawa River
- Guaranteed production in winter
The power station would have one turbine-alternator group capable of producing up to 7 MW
The new intake would originate on the right bank of the Lumsden dam. A 1.6 km intake gallery would be built.
Two options are currently being analyzed for the power plant building.
- Use of the former Témiscaming power plant building;
- Construction of a new power station to the north of the old one.
Things to remember
- No changes required at Kipawa dams and Tee Lake.
- Aucun changement au barrage Lumsden
- Maintain current flow conditions between Kipawa dam and Lumsden dam (13 cubic metres per second)
- Minimal visual impact (tunnel feeders)
- Virtually constant production all year round and guaranteed in winter
- Ecological flow in Gordon Creek
Production schedule
Spring 2024
Filing of a new project notice with the Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte aux changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP)
Spring to fall 2024
Additional environmental inventories required for the impact study
Fall 2024
Information and consultation approach
Summer 2025
Filing of the impact study
Fall 2025-Winter 2026
MELCCFP environmental assessment process
Spring 2026
Expected date of government approvals
Summer 2026
Scheduled start of construction
December 2028
Scheduled commissioning date