Onimiki Renewable Energy files notice of project

Langue/Language : FR

TÉMISCAMING, JULY 2, 2024 – Onimiki Renewable Energy L.P. has filed the Notice of Project (avis de projet) for its proposed construction of the Onimiki North and South generating stations.

This document describes the general characteristics of the project. It is the first step in the environmental assessment of the project by the Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP). The MELCCFP has also published the “Directive pour la réalisation d’une étude d’impact sur l’environnement”.

A first project notice was submitted in May 2023. However, in order to respond to several feedbacks expressed during public consultations, Onimiki Renewable Energy developed a new version of the project. This necessitated the filing of a new project notice.

A copy of the project notice was also sent to the municipalities and territories where the project is located, as well as to the Indigenous communities concerned:

  • Béarn
  • Kebaowek First Nation
  • Kipawa
  • Laniel
  • MRC de Témiscamingue
  • Saint-Édouard-de-Fabre
  • Témiscaming
  • Wolf Lake First Nation.

The documents can be consulted on the Environmental Assessment Registry website at https://www.ree.environnement.gouv.qc.ca/projet.asp?no_dossier=3211-12-265.

Following the filing of the project notice, the MELCCFP is conducting a public consultation on the issues that the project impact study should address. Any person, group or municipality may submit comments to the Minister in writing by August 1, 2024.

Information and consultation process

Onimiki Renewable Energy’s information and consultation process will continue this fall. Environmental inventories are being carried out to provide us with the data we need to properly document our impact study. This data will also be very useful during consultations. The timetable and format will be announced in the coming months.

In addition, to maximize the dissemination of information about the project, Onimiki Renewable Energy has recently launched an updated version of its website, which can be accessed at onimiki.ca. The bilingual content has been completely revised to reflect recent developments. An interactive map has been added to locate project elements. The ews section will be regularly updated. A documentation center brings together relevant documents about the project.

A newsletter has been launched. This tool will be a privileged communication channel to reach people interested in the project. People are invited to sign up by filling in the form available on the website at onimiki.ca/newsletter.

Finally, a Facebook page has also been created to inform and exchange with the population.  It can be accessed at www.facebook.com/projetOnimiki.

About Onimiki Renewable Energy L.P.

Onimiki Renewable Energy L.P. is a limited partnership formed to develop two hydroelectric power plants in Temiscamingue. The Onimiki North and South power plants have a total projected capacity of 67 MW. The project will be developed on a 100% community basis. The limited partnership is made up of four partners: Kebaowek First Nation, Wolf Lake First Nation, the MRC de Témiscamingue and Pekuakamiulnuatsh Takuhikan.


Source :

Daniel Migneault

Liaison and communication officer

418 275-4262 poste 200
